
Kbsp wz. 38m
Kbsp wz. 38m

kbsp wz. 38m kbsp wz. 38m

The Russian museum and the Ohio collection rifles serial numbers are unknown. There are only nine known examples in collections around the world. Today, this is a difficult to find military rifle on the collector market. For a pioneering self-loading rifle, its design is strikingly advanced in its simplicity and functionality for example, its composed of several sub-sections interlocked by a single removable steel pin, and thus can be disassembled in moments. The bayonet lug accepts a standard Polish issue wz.29, and the barrel is equipped with a muzzle brake to ameliorate recoil. The rifle has a Mauser-style tangent leaf rear sight graduated from 300 to 2.000 m 330 to 2.190 yd. The safety lever is located on the right side of the receiver, just above the trigger. It has a ten-round non-detachable magazine loaded from Mauser stripper clips. It features a Browning/Petter system in which the bolt tilts up to lock in the case of the Kbsp wz.1938M, against the front edge of the ejection/loading aperture in the top of the receiver. The rifle is gas operated with the gas tube located under the barrel. This is perhaps the only indication Maroszek rifles were reissued to Nazi forces. Maroszek stated he had seen a group of German soldiers armed with wz.38M rifles in occupied Warsaw. However, it is unclear if any rifles of this pattern left the Radom factory before the German invasion all the surviving examples display Arsenal Nr. The decision was made to begin serial production of the rifle at the Fabryka Broni the Arms Factory in Radom in 1938. The highest serial number observed is 1054 it is assumed numbering started from "1001", not counting the prototypes and pre-production examples. Barrels were supplied by the Panstwowa Fabryka Karabinow State Rifle Factory in Warsaw. The wz.38M rifles were manufactured by the Zbrojownia Nr. Production was not resumed under the German occupation.

kbsp wz. 38m

It is believed only about 150 rifles of this pattern were completed before the German invasion of Poland. After a Polish army order was received, small scale production began in 1938. Several prototypes and pre-production samples of his rifle were manufactured from 1936 to 1938. Maroszek was one of the three winners of Poland’s 1934 self-loading rifle trials. He was known mainly as a designer of the Polish anti-tank rifle wz.1935 "Ur". The rifle was designed by a Polish engineer Jozef Maroszek 1904-1985.

Kbsp wz. 38m